Parkinson's Disease

The Gut


Management of illness through oral medication is the usual route of drug delivery. The limiting efficiency is the individual.

Significant to all is gastric emptying time, delayed or rapid, the result is fluctuations in response with each dose of medication taken.




The stomach is divided into 3 regions:


  • fundus, reservoir for undigested material
  • body
  • antrum is for mixing motions and is a pump for gastric emptying.





  • To get out of the stomach a pill has to pass through the pyloric valve into the small intestine and its size needs to be 1 to 2 mm.




  • Empty stomach 1.5 to 2.0
  • Fed stomach is 2.0 to 6.0.


A large volume of water with medication raises the PH of stomach contents to 6.0 to 9.0.


Some drugs  have a better chance of dissolving in fed state than in a fasting state.




The rate of your stomach emptying depends on the density volume and calories consumed.

Nutritive density of meals helps determine gastric emptying time.

It doesn’t matter for this part of the process whether the meal has high protein, fat, or carbohydrate it. It is the calorific load that is significant.


  • Increase in acidity and caloric value slows down gastric emptying time.


  • Biological factors such as age, body mass index (BMI), posture and disease status influence gastric emptying.


  • In elderly persons, gastric emptying is slowed down.
  • Generally females have slower gastric emptying rates than males.


  • Stress increases gastric emptying rates


  • Depression slows it down.


  •  Fluids taken at body temperature leave the stomach faster than colder or warmer fluids.


  • Studies have revealed that gastric emptying of some pills in the fed state can also be influenced by size. Small-size tablets leave the stomach earlier in the digestive process than larger ones.



Drug absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is a highly

variable procedure.

Delivery systems are emerging as an effective means

of enhancing the bioavailability by improving the controlled release of many drugs.

The increasing sophistication of new delivery technology will

ensure the development of an increased number of drugs that have at present absorption window, low bioavailability.


June 30, 2014 Posted by | Anatomy-gut | Leave a Comment

Explaining your medication needs

1. I have Parkinson’s disease which affects——————.details————-

2. Currrent medication for this is ————details———–.

3. My daytime medication effectively controls symptoms for periods of between 30 and 90 minutes on each occasion, effective about an hour after taking medication. I can be approximate but not precise as to the effectiveness or duration of action of each dose of medication as it does vary.

4. I have some limited benefit from the medication both when it is taking effect and when it is wearing off. The average time for which the medication is effective, is approximately 1 hour with half an hour on either side for ‘’wearing off and coming on’’.

5. When my medication wears off entirely my functionality, both physical and mental are seriously impaired

6. I cannot be sure that the effect of each dose of medication will be sufficient to enable me to perform or complete a particular task. The extent and time taken to sustain a task or to take it to completion are variables beyond my every day control .

7. The timing of medication is critical to me.

8. The timing of medication is a consideration essential to accommodating my personal self care needs in relation to hygiene, meal preparation and social events.

9. Side effects of my medications can cause me to experience involuntary episodes of drowsiness and to make me feel excessively sleepy. This drowsiness is the direct side effect of the medication taken to counter the effects of my Parkinson’s disease.This is a direct result of treatment prescribed and the absence of alternative therapies.

10. I am dependant on medication.

June 30, 2014 Posted by | Medication, Self Management | Leave a Comment

Levadopa its Strength and Weakness

By;Eduardo Tolosa

Oral levodopa was developed in laboratories in the US owned by the
Atomic Energy Commission: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long
Island, New York.

A neurologist from Crete – George Cotzias –
published a crucial paper in 1967 in the New England Journal of
Medicine about how he administered melanocyte-stimulating
hormone (MSH) to patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD).


He thought the problem was that patients needed melanin as the substantia nigra was depigmented. However, when he gave MSH the patients actually got worse and their skin darkened.

Cotzias’ focus then moved to levodopa, a precursor to melanin. In
the same paper he described how he administered D,L-dopa to
16 patients .

It was the first time this compound had been given orally in such massive amounts. Eight patients improved dramatically with the large doses of D,L-dopa, but many experienced profound nausea.
Improvements were seen and lasted for several months.

Nevertheless,in this study, dyskinesias were already being described – the first time they had been described in the literature.

Furthermore, D,L-dopa was toxic to bone marrow, and the dosing led to granulocytopoenia. Cotzias was forced to cease administration.

Despite these problems, Cotzias had achieved notable successes, including
laying the foundations of levodopa dosing:

  1. many doses
  2. slow titration
  3. increasing dosage as much as necessary
  4. daily doses distributed throughout the day.

In 1969, Cotzias, still in the employ of the Atomic Energy Commission,
switched from D,L-dopa to levodopa. Again, all patients who received
the compound improved dramatically and had sustained improvements
in all symptoms for up to two years.

Even tremor improved – many
neurologists are reluctant to say that levodopa is as effective for tremor
as for bradykinesia, but Cotzias’ study shows that it is; it just takes a
little longer.
As early as this 1969 paper, Cotzias mentioned the emergence of
certain clinically significant symptoms in six patients: the ‘off’

He noted that 14 patients also had involuntary

Furthermore, he described the antagonistic effect on
levodopa by pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and a high-protein diet.

Therefore,at this time Cotzias was already describing both the main benefits and the main weaknesses of levodopa as we know them today

In addition to levodopa, Cotzias laid the foundations for subsequent
work on oral dopamine agonists. He was the first to attribute the
effect of apomorphine to its dopamine-like structure.

Levodopa and Parkinson’s Disease – 30 Years Later
There is no question that levodopa is the most effective symptomatic
treatment of PD. However, it has only recently been compared with
other treatments, particularly orally active dopamine agonist

All trials to date have shown that levodopa has a more
potent antiparkinsonian effect, especially in the first years, than
dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine, ropinirole, pergolide,
cabergoline and pramipexole.3–7


To compare the benefits of initiating therapy with levodopa or the
dopamine agonist bromocriptine, the Parkinson’s Disease Research
Group of the United Kingdom (PDRGUK) conducted a long-term
(10-year) open-label, randomised study in 782 previously untreated
PD patients.3 The study found that although bromocriptine-treated
patients had a lower incidence of dyskinesia and dystonia than the
levodopa-treated patients, they also had significantly worse disability
scores throughout the first five years of therapy.

June 30, 2014 Posted by | Levadopa | Leave a Comment

Professor Peter Jenner

The Role of Advocacy in finding a Cure for Parkinson’s
Good afternoon. We are incredibly lucky today to be able to start
the programme with a short talk from one of the most prolific,
most well known and most published expert on Parkinson’s
certainly in the UK. Professor Peter Jenner, even in his current
jet-lagged state is a tour de force and a world renowned
just at a scientific level but also takes more time out to speak to
patient groups more than anyone else in the scientific arena that
I know.

This afternoon he is just going to talk to us for ten minutes or so
about his view of the future in Parkinson’s.
Please will you welcome then, Professor Peter Jenner.

Good afternoon everyone. At this meeting today, our hope is
that you will all go away feeling three things:

More positive about Parkinson’s than when you came in.
More informed about exciting research developments than when
you came in.
More influential in the drive to accelerate new treatments for PD.
But before you listen to me harp on about the specific
ingredients for a cure and ways in which we can lend a hand in
the cooking, we are first going to listen to a man in a skirt from
up north. Some of you may know this man as “Wobbly
Williams” some of you know him as Bryn, but whatever you
know him as, this was an exceptional speech, an inspirational
and moving address presented at the Opening Ceremony of the
World Parkinson Congress in Glasgow. This really sets the
scene for today.

‘As a community of Parkinson’s advocates we can be a

‘To be effective there must be cooperation and collaboration
across the whole of the Parkinson’s community. A partnership
of equals’
‘Now is the time to realise the promises of science. Now is the
time to bring our urgency to bear and deliver……’
‘Now is the time for a steady hand, a strong voice and a keen
sense of smell….’
These statements of intent really define what today is all about
and my job this morning is to look at the aspects of the delivery
of new treatments in which we, as people living with
Parkinson’s, can make a difference.
This is particularly pertinent now because we are on the cusp of
what one person has described as a ‘tectonic shift’ in
Parkinson’s at the moment and I think the source of this shift is
coming from two very distinct and new forces in the Parkinson’s
The first of these forces originates from the science. I don’t
know about the rest of you, but I have always thought that my
Parkinson’s was caused by something not in my head but in
here – call it a gut feeling. Despite imparting this nugget of
information to a lot of people, gut feelings have little credibility
in the scientific world and my rantings have fallen largely on
deaf ears. Evidence in science is everything and although it has
taken me quite a long time to accept this fact – that does not
mean to say I don’t see the sense in it.
For too long now we have been exclusively looking at neurology
for the answers to Parkinson’s to the exclusion of everything
else. But Parkinson’s, as we all know, is not just a condition
affecting the nervous system – it is a whole body condition
which manifests itself in ways too numerous to mention and
seems to be different in everyone. It stands to reason therefore
that the cause of Parkinson’s could be similarly complex and
individual in its pathology.

Perhaps neurology needs to become a ‘new’rology and should
not look at itself in isolation but spread its wings and establish
links with other ‘ologies’.
And at last, there is now a move to investigate Parkinson’s from
a much broader perspective. There are new avenues of research
which focus on immunology, endocrinology and
gastroenterology and from combining the findings from these
new sectors of medicine in the research of our condition, it is
becoming increasingly likely that we will identify many more
pieces of the Parkinson’s jigsaw.

Today, we have Dr John Tadross, a quite brilliant medic who
works with Professor Steve Bloom at Imperial College, London
who in turn is a world renowned specialist in gut hormones. Five
years ago, if we had asked such a person to be involved in our
conference about Parkinson’s, we would have been charged
with heresy and probably burnt at the stake!

I think we can all be hugely encouraged by these new lines of
research which are infiltrating the Parkinson’s scientific
The other significant force in the quest for better treatments is
vested in us, the people who live with this condition and our
ability to influence, to accelerate and to focus the delivery of the
new and exciting science that is out there into the clinic, into
you and me so that we one day soon can feel better than we do
right now.
But why should we do this? Well, if you think about it, the health
sector is different to any other industry as its consumers (we
here in this room) have very little influence over the products.
Parkinson’s is a prime example of this. To date PwP’s have
neither had the inclination nor the platform to play a significant
role in influencing and informing the nature of consumer
demand i.e. our requirements. This seems absurd when the
condition is so all-consuming and no-one apart from those who
experience it from day-to-day can really have any in depth
insight into what it feels like and what type of products might
best serve them. And yet still we as PwP’s feel detached and
disempowered from the scientific community.
To ensure that the best science is developed into the best
treatments with urgency, safety, accuracy and efficacy, the
involvement of informed / expert and energetic PWP’s is
imperative because time is not neutral to PwP’s and in a world of
ever improving access to information; the Parkinson’s
community needs to embrace the enormous potential of the
patient resource and as Bryn said earlier, ‘Now is the time’ for
So I thought the best way of explaining my view on how we can
contribute would be to start by looking at the key constituents of
our quest for a cure for Parkinson’s
So each of these sections can be broken down into further units.
So let’s start with the science.

So these are the ingredients for The Cure Parkinson’s pie but
what can we do to influence these? Well, I think in order to be
truly effective in this task we need the structure, support and
credibility of organisations But we can only be truly effective if such
organisations can provide a relevant and credible infrastructure
which can facilitate leadership, education, data collection and
analysis, and communication. These are the areas where patient
organisations can make the most impact. It is imperative that we
are given the guidance and the wherewithal to be the voice of
the patient. It is our voice and no-one else’s.
Here is a range of areas where patient
organisations can make their mark and contribute to the big
picture in Parkinson’s.
And finally how can we as PwP’s assist? I have identified a
number of areas in which we can directly make an impact on the
speed of development of new therapies.
These are listed on this final chart which I will run through along
with some specific suggestions as to practical methods of
achieving them.

We can develop media opportunities to raise awareness of the
issues that are important to us –
Passion, determination and focus e.g. Organising social or
formal gatherings between academic scientists, pharmas etc
where PwP’s can describe what PD is like.
Taking a moral standpoint e.g. Engaging with regulators to make the case
for fast tracking therapies which have particular potential and
ensuring that the payer understands the real impact on quality
of life.
Self assessment e.g. an increased tendency to assess quality of
life with reference to the people who are living it and, in so
doing, ensuring more precise outcome measurement in clinical
trials. – CLICK
Defining therapeutic needs e.g. encouraging pharma to call on
PwP’s to explain and describe real therapeutic needs rather than
those perceived by others. This should be an ongoing
relationship throughout the development process.
Best practice e.g responding to societal change where users
and consumers have far more influence and impact on change.

Data resource e.g establishing a register to show progression,
similarities, patterns in the Parkinson population. Such data
could be crucial not only in deciphering cause and correct
management but also to compartmentalise clinical trial cohorts
into homogenous groups.
Funding e.g sourcing significant funds PD research. PwP’s are
so often forgotten in terms of the amount they raise both from
their own resources and through other means – sponsorship
Clinical trial volunteering which is self explanatory.
In the past, many is the time I have been frustrated to the point
of disbelief by the research community’s lack of foresight and
lack of understanding of the ways in which PwP’s can contribute
to the scientific agenda. I remember going to a talk with a similar
title to this one ‘The Role of Advocacy in finding a Cure for
Parkinson’s’ except that it was given by a scientist. This
particular researcher’s vision of advocacy was that advocates
should donate their brains to a brain bank upon death. But I can
tell you that advocacy can do a little bit more than this. Call me’
big headed’ but my brain is far more useful to medical science
while it is still housed within a body which can use it to

We, , represent a living brain bank and if you
take the subject of clinical trials as an example, we should, given
the right education and given the opportunity,to be involved in all
aspects of the procedure – from protocol to recruitment, from
patient rights to outcome measurement, from establishing the
concept of informed shared decision making to supplying
information and data about ourselves so that we can be
effectively grouped into the sub-types of Parkinson’s .We need
to enable people living with Parkinson’s to share their opinions
and to communicate this shared voice to policymakers,
opinion formers and stakeholders in the wider Parkinson’s
community because there is a need to challenge current
thinking about the treatment of Parkinson’s. We also need to
raise the expectations of people with Parkinson’s – of care, of
cure and all points in between. Our combined voice can help
break down the barriers to a cure with an urgency which no-one
else can communicate We need to find ways to establish a
better system of analysis of PwP’s in clinical trials so that these
measurements are more in line with the reality of their lives –
personally speaking it is not so important to me that I am able to
do this. What is more important is that I am able to do this.
Raising awareness of the Parkinson’s time bomb and the false
economy of no governmental investment now.
Better communication throughout the Parkinson’s community
through PwP and scientific meetings.
Challenging the system through suggesting more effective
methods of clinical trial and regulatory practice.
We can achieve these 3 things simply by bringing people
together, through establishing contacts and through addressing
what are the priorities for people living with Parkinson’s.
Finally, I’ll tell you what really makes me want to leap out of
bed every morning….. What makes me want to leap out of bed
every morning is the fact that I can’t leap out of bed every
morning, but also the fact that I am becoming increasingly
convinced, that one day I will. It’s simply a matter of when.
How can I be so sure about this? Well the research into gut hormones
advances in genetics. The work going on in gene therapy and GDNF is making potentially revolutionary treatments for Parkinson’s into dramatically improved therapies for Parkinson’s. You can make a difference to breakthrough treatments for this condition if we combine as a team to provide the missing link in the chain of events leading to more effective therapies for Parkinson’s.PwP’s can demand and realise a paradigm shift in the dynamics of the research system having a voice in the process of treatment development,

June 30, 2014 Posted by | Parkinsons Disease | Leave a Comment

Managing your illness

How you manage your  condition when not under direct medical supervision makes a difference to your quality of life, your general health, and your usage health services.
Self-management takes time and demands interest in short you need to educate yourself  in  the many complexities related to your illness,

As I see it,youve got it. its not  going  to go away,your its manager.This was not somewere I suddenly arrived at, it was years after diagnoses and living with PD now it lives with me.
Our health care management colleauges GP Neuro,PDnurse.Physiotherapist,prescribe care by tradition but are increasingly the providers educating and enabling self-management. By  definition this is the tasks that individuals must undertake to live well with 1 or more chronic conditions.

These tasks include having the confidence to deal with the medical and emotional management of your condition.This is the difficult bit,in life without an illness  its not easy to achieve.In our present system its not really promoted,or financially supported,making people well isnt a good long term investment.Dont mistake what I am saying is not intending to undervalue medication or health professionals but it most certainly is easier and safer to prescibe care,than unleash you on yourself.

Accept we must not all want to choose this path and those who pursue it will graduate at different times,be it ten years or two .Patients are afraid to self manage,needing the reassurance of approval and the safety of direction from professionals.We forget a most important role,the patient as the educator,of professionals as well as fellow sufferers.There is some development in this direction.but in the main it is under-resourced and under researched.

Self-management programs are an effective complement to the work provided by health care teams..Programes location, staffing, and the extent of personal interaction between self-management educators and patients are fragmented and diverse
The overall objective of self-management programs should be to support and influence by educating the behaviors of all participants. While variation will always exists regarding the implementation of such programs ultimatley I feel you cant manage someones lfe but supporting choices is important empowering wellness,disempowers illness,live long live well,be happier.

Dont sit back and wait for the system TO DELIVER do a little DIY.
Manage illness
Take action,
Face problems,
Make choices.

Your on the way to Personal “Wellness ”.
Simple and easily grasped and accessible strategies,we know them ,but old habits die hard, so be it, choice made,I am not the mistress of self sacrifice.I know whats good for me whats not so I compromise.
Healthy diet,

Reset you goals, rebuild your dreams

It has been shown that’ Sharing responsibilities with patients and emphasizing the vital role patients play in improving health-related habits and self-managing their health conditions are key issues, regardless of diagnoses’.
One study found that 4 months after participating in  patients with diabetes mellitus showed significant improvements in eating breakfast, mental stress, aerobic activities, shortness of breath, and pain.
The way forward with this one ,well its upto you,and whatever you choose be it right for you at this moment tommorow may be different,if its the only exersise you undertake choice is always your own.

I cant be evangelical, but I can still improve my health.Im never going to win the health olympics but then I wouldnt enter,Im not a competitor.I prefer a fun run,thats mylevel of participation,my choice today,but the path unkown.

June 30, 2014 Posted by | Self Management | Leave a Comment

The History of Madopar

F O C U S O N P A R K I N S O N ’ S D I S E A S E
VOLUME 1 6 – SUP P L EMENT A – 2 0 0 4 A7
The levodopa story started 90 years ago, when Roche was a
young pharmaceutical company with a total of 145 employees.
The profits made with the main product – Sirolin®, cough
syrup, allowed a new plant to be built and more to be invested
in research. At this time, the company’s main objective of
research was to extract highly potent substances from plants
and other natural products. A young chemist was recruited,
Dr M. Guggenheim, whose main scientific interests were the
‘proteinogenic amines’. He therefore noticed with great interest
2 articles from Torquati2,3 describing the presence of a
nitrogen-containing substance in the seeds and green pods of
Windsor beans. Mr F. Hoffmann, the founder of the firm
Hoffmann-La Roche, was apparently fond of Windsor beans
and had a field planted with them which Guggenheim’s laboratory
overlooked. Guggenheim asked his boss if he could get
‘some beans’ and with his assistant picked 10 kg the next
morning.4 Rumour has it that Madame Hoffmann was not
amused. Guggenheim repeated and varied the extraction procedure
of Torquati to produce crystals and identified the isolated
substance as l-dioxyphenylalanine, levodopa.5 A patent
application was guaranteed a year later.
Levodopa was tested in animals (on the general behaviour
of conscious rabbits) and isolated organs (isolated rabbit
uterus and intestine). Guggenheim had hypothesized that
levodopa would be a precursor of adrenalin, but against all
expectations, the intravenous application of 20 mg levodopa
had no measurable effect on blood pressure or lung function in
the rabbits. Guggenheim decided therefore to test levodopa
himself. He took 2.5 g of levodopa per os: 10 minutes after
intake he felt terribly sick and vomited twice. He mentions in
the publication “that therefore not all the substance was
absorbed.”5 No other effects were observed.
Three years later, in 1916, Guggenheim caused a lab
explosion and lost eyesight completely, but from 1918 onward
he continued his work as a research director at Roche. With
the help of his secretary, Mrs I. Schramm (for many years
Roman Amrein, MD
L a n d h a u s w e g 3 1 , 4 1 2 6 B e t t i n g e n , S w i t z e r l a n d
Madopar® – a combination of levodopa with the decarboxylase
inhibitor (DCI) benserazide – was first introduced 30 years ago
during July 1973, a few months earlier than the second
levodopa/decarboxylase-inhibitor combination – Sinemet®.
These 2 preparations have revolutionized the treatment of
Parkinson’s disease (PD) and are still considered to be the gold
standard for its treatment.1 The constituents of Madopar®
resulted from long-lasting systematic basic research, but the
idea to combine the 2 components was based on a working
hypothesis with inaccurate prerequisites. Intense systematic
basic and clinical research, excellent clinical observation,
openness for the unforeseen, serendipity, and fortune are all
present in the pedigree of Madopar®.
Figure 1. Sirolin 1920.
F O C U S O N P A R K I N S O N ’ S D I S E A S E
she was reading him all
scientific publications)
he published the material
he had collected in
the field of biogenic
amines in a book which
was published in 1920.6
In the meantime, his
group had improved the
manufacturing process
for levodopa, and the
substance was sold for
scientific investigations.
However, the importance of the discovery was not evident at
that time: Guggenheim mentions levodopa in the 376 pages of
his book only with 2 sentences. During the following years at
Roche, levodopa was tested in additional animal models, as
well as for antibacterial properties, but without success.
Guggenheim continued his interest in biogenic amines as
documented by the subsequent editions of his book,7,8 but
levodopa was still an orphan drug without an indication when
he retired in 1948.
Walther Birkmayer qualified in medicine in 1935 and afterwards
specialized in neurology and psychiatry up to 1939.
During the Second World War, he was first an army physician
in Russia and then was transferred to Vienna, Austria, as chief
physician of an army hospital for patients with head injuries.
He treated over 3,000 patients and described his observations
in a book. After the war, he was eager to continue his scientific
work, but since this was difficult at the time, he accepted a
post in charge of the neurological ward of the Municipal
Home for the Aged in Lainz (Vienna) to take care of resident
patients with PD, multiple sclerosis (MS), or following
strokes.9 His medical activity in Lainz was mainly charitable,
and medical research was limited to reading, clinical observation,
and dissection.
Birkmayer stored
dozens of brains of
deceased PD, MS, and
post-stroke patients. In
1957, he contacted
Hornykiewicz at the
Institute for Experimental
Pathology in
Vienna and suggested
he analysed neurotransmitters
in the brains of
deceased parkinsonian
patients. Hornykiewicz
showed no interest and
refused for lack of time,9 but his interest became intense in
January 1959 after the publications of Bertler and Rosengren,
who reported the localization of dopamine in the basal ganglia
of the dog;10 the publication of Carlsson et al. on the presence
of 3-hydroxytyramine in the brain;11 and the publication of
Sano et al.,12 showing that in the human brain most of the
dopamine is concentrated in the basal ganglia. Prof. Brücke,
the head of Hornykiewicz’s Institute, contacted Birkmayer to
get permission to analyse the brains of deceased parkinsonian
patients that Birkmayer had stored. An agreement was made
that all future results from this would be published together.
The analytical work of Hornykiewicz was very successful, and
with his ‘collaborator in training’, Herbert Ehringer, he published
the results 1 year later.13 Birkmayer was very angry
when he realized that he was not a co-author of this publication
and was determined to get his revenge. In January 1961,
Hornykiewicz asked Birkmayer to try out levodopa in his resident
PD patients. He provided him with 2 g of levodopa
donated for in vitro studies by A. Pletscher, medical director
at Hoffmann-La Roche, and suggested that this should be
administered intravenously. Birkmayer accepted but delayed
beginning the study by at least 6 months. Ten years later he
wrote in a letter to Hornykiewicz: “Da du mich damals so
abfahren liessest, habe ich mich mit der sechsmonatigen
Blockade deiner Dopatherapie gerächt” (Because at that time
you had turned me down so bluntly, I took revenge on you by
blocking for 6 months your levodopa therapy).14
During the summer of 1961, 20 patients suffering from
post-encephalitic parkinsonism or PD received single intravenous
doses of levodopa (50–150 mg). An impressive reduction
of their akinesia was seen a few minutes after injection,
and this effect lasted for several hours. Results were documented
in a film.
Birkmayer visited Roche in Basle on 26 October 1961
and reported the results that he had seen after the injection of
levodopa, and showed his film. Birkmayer’s results were so
spectacular that they were difficult to believe: he described
Figure 2. M. Guggenheim.
Figure 3. W. Birkmayer.
Figure 4. H. Ehringer and O. Hornykiewicz.
F O C U S O N P A R K I N S O N ’ S D I S E A S E
VOLUME 1 6 – SUP P L EMENT A – 2 0 0 4 A9
and demonstrated patients with intense akinesia who had
been bedridden for several months or even years. After a
single intravenous injection of levodopa, the akinesia disappeared
to a large extent, and the patients could get up and
walk around the room.15 Was this the action of levodopa after
transformation to dopamine, was this a placebo effect induced
by a charismatic and enthusiastic doctor, or was this just
Birkmayer had the impression that nobody believed him,
and he was right: there was a complete consensus within the
scientific community of Roche that the data shown by
Birkmayer were too good to be true.15 At least Birkmayer was
subsequently given the quantity of levodopa needed for additional
work, and some scientific collaboration with Roche was
initiated. Together with Hornykiewicz, he gave the same
lecture as at Roche at the monthly scientific session of
Vienna’s Medical Society on 10 November 196116 and published
the study the same day.17
In addition to the data presented in Basle, it was shown
that co-medication with a monoamine oxidase (MAO)
inhibitor intensifies and prolongs the effect of levodopa.
Overall, the results were well accepted, especially since
F. Gerstenbrand from the Neurological University Clinic in
Vienna confirmed them based on his own very recent experience.
However, Prof. H. Hoff, a famous neurologist, warned
against therapeutic over-optimism since levodopa treatment
would, in his mind, alleviate some of the parkinsonian symptoms
for a time, but the patients would still suffer from PD.
In the same year, Barbeau in Canada published that patients
with PD excrete dopamine in the urine in much lower quantities
compared with normal subjects.18 He repeated and expanded
the biochemical study in a total of thirty PD patients. To
clarify the biochemical findings, he gave them single oral doses
of levodopa (100 or 200 mg) alone or combined with an
MAO inhibitor or with methyldopa and compared the results
with those from single
applications of placebo,
methyldopa, and other
reference substances.
Methyldopa given alone
or in combination with
levodopa increased the
tremor, whereas levodopa
reduced the rigidity
to half. The levodopa
effect was increased and
prolonged by the application
of the MAO
inhibitor parnate, but
blood pressure increased
dramatically under this combination from 125/80 to 230/125.
The results were reported in part at the 7th International
Congress of Neurology in Rome, Italy, 10–15 September
1961,19 and in full a few days later at the Bel-Air symposium.20
All these publications stimulated an enormous interest in
the scientific community, and institutions all over the world
published their experience with levodopa. Overall, the results
were not really conclusive, with outcomes varying from
enthusiastic positive to completely negative. There were
several reasons for this. In the 1960s, it was difficult to obtain
levodopa since the basic material for synthesis was L-tyrosine
produced by hydrolytic decomposition of natural silk, fish
meal, casein, or maize gluten. It was also possible to synthesize
a racemic mixture of dopa directly from vanillin and hippuric
acid and then, using a complex procedure, to subsequently
isolate levodopa.21
In addition to Roche, very few companies produced levodopa,
and the investigators usually had only small quantities
available, sufficient only for single-dose experiments or for a
very small series of experiments. Hence, the doses used were
often much too small to show a reliable clinical effect, and the
number of patients investigated was usually very limited. In
addition, most of the papers simply confirmed a pharmacological
effect without offering a proper therapeutic approach. This
gap was filled in 1967 by the studies of George Cotzias in New
York, who increased the levodopa dosage in a stepwise way to
very high levels (up to 16 g per day). The results were dramatic
in 20 out of 28 patients. This was the beginning of levodopa
offering substantial symptomatic relief, but at the price of
frequent side-effects, mainly nausea and vomiting. The first
results presented at a congress were published in 1969.22,23
In 1961, Dr Hegedüs in the basic-research department of
Hoffmann-La Roche prepared Ro 4-4602, a molecule chemically
related to α-methyldopa
(Aldomet®), for
clinical investigation.24
Known as benserazide,
this molecule was nearly
100 times more active as
a DCI than α-methyldopa
in vitro and in
vivo. It was therefore
hoped that benserazide
would behave as a strong
antihypertensive agent,
by inhibiting the formation
of endogenous cateFigure
5. A. Barbeau. cholamines, especially Figure 6. A. Pletscher.
F O C U S O N P A R K I N S O N ’ S D I S E A S E
noradrenaline. In addition, the molecule was put forward for
investigation in anxious–depressed patients. Benserazide was
well tolerated, but no antihypertensive effect was found (even
at doses as high as 10 g/day) in the exploratory clinical programme,
in which also Professor Birkmayer administered it to a
few elderly patients.15 Pletscher suggested to Birkmayer that he
should give the inhibitor to PD patients simultaneously with
Pletscher’s hypothesis was that preventing the decarboxylation
of levodopa would inhibit the formation of dopamine and
thereby inhibit the therapeutic action of levodopa. This would
provide evidence for the proposed mechanism of action of
levodopa or suggest that Birkmayer’s previous levodopa results
were strongly influenced by placebo effects.4,15 When
Birkmayer visited Basle a few months later, the basic
researchers were surprised when he related an enhancement,
not an inhibition, of the levodopa effect. Prof. Pletscher did
not declare that Birkmayer was mad – as others did – ; instead,
he was prepared to reconsider his working hypothesis. A short
period of enormous scientific effort followed, resulting in the
insight that benserazide hardly penetrates the blood–brain barrier,
acting mainly in the periphery – in the intestine, the liver,
the heart, the capillaries of the brain, but not in its parenchyma.
After the intake of the combination, much more levodopa
is therefore available in the blood for transition into the brain,
since the peripheral formation of dopamine is reduced. The
most frequent side-effects seen after the intake of high levodopa
doses, nausea and vomiting, are attributable to high
dopamine concentrations in the periphery. The clinical observation
that the use of benserazide increases the efficacy of
levodopa, and decreases the severity and the incidence of the
side-effects, had found its rational explanation.
Figure 7 shows the inhibition of the decarboxylase enzyme
in heart and brain tissue of rats after intraperitoneal injection
of increasing doses of benserazide. The effect in the brain is
more than 10 times less pronounced than in the heart.
Birkmayer’s first reports26,27 on the results of his pilot study
with the benserazide/levodopa combination generated enormous
interest, but the transition from fascinating human pharmacology
to clinical trials, resulting in a new therapy, was long
and difficult.
For a short period, another DCI, Ro 8-1756, was clinically
tested to ensure that Ro 4-4602, found by serendipity for the
treatment of PD, was not only the first, but also the best DCI
that Roche had at its disposal. In a short time, the neurosurgeon
Siegfried et al. accumulated the results from treating
500 patients with one or the other inhibitor.28
Dose finding and selection of the optimal proportion of
levodopa/DCI were difficult, since at the time no consensus
had been reached on the optimal dosing regimen for levodopa
given alone. It was clear from the beginning that the new
treatment should be based on a fixed combination of the
2 components. The idea was to minimize the daily dose of
levodopa by significantly blocking the decarboxylase in the
periphery. Over time, clinicians were encouraged to use the
combination in a variety of ratios, and the following fixed
combinations were used: DCI:levodopa of 1:4; 2:3; 1:4; 1:1;
and 3:1. The publication by Cotzias et al. on the long-term
results of high-dose levodopa treatment23 was of the utmost
significance for the ongoing studies with the combinations,
since, prior to that, the plasma concentrations of levodopa
needed for the effective treatment of parkinsonism were not
Roche was immediately confronted with a new problem:
it was imperative to find a way to make the synthesis of levodopa
more efficient and a simpler process, otherwise it would
not be possible to produce the large quantities needed at an
acceptable price. However, this was achieved by the efforts of
2 groups of chemists, who simplified the extraction of levodopa
from the racemic mixture.29,30
In 1979, it was felt that the clinical studies with the levodopa/
DCI combinations had developed sufficiently to take a
decision on the final steps for large-scale use of the combination
in patients with PD. The Fourth Symposium Bel-Air,
under the presidency of Prof. J. de Ajuriaguerra and Prof.
G. Gauthier, offered the opportunity to discuss the results
with levodopa and its combinations, in terms of basic research
and therapeutic potential.
Several contributions reported results with levodopa
alone, demonstrating the high long-term success rate of this
treatment, but also the high incidence of side-effects.
Birkmayer et al.,31 Siegfried,32 and Tissot and Gauthier33
reported the results of open studies with the levodopa/DCI
combination: an increased efficacy of various degrees, combined
with better tolerability. Barbeau performed the first
randomized comparative study in which doses were gradually
increased over time. A total of 800 mg levodopa/day given
together with daily doses of 150–200 mg benserazide, resulted
1 10
Heart Brain
Inhibition (%)
Dose of Ro 4–4602 (mg/kg)
Figure 7. Benserazide inhibition of levodopa decarboxylase
in heart and brain. (Bartholini G, et al.25).
F O C U S O N P A R K I N S O N ’ S D I S E A S E
VOLUME 1 6 – SUP P L EMENT A – 2 0 0 4 A11
in good or excellent improvement in 75% of patients, compared
with 65% in patients given daily doses of 4.3 g levodopa
alone. Treatment with the combination was accompanied by a
dramatic decrease in side-effects, namely nausea, bradykinesia,
hypotonia, and psychic disturbances.
The final presentations at the symposium were dedicated
to the toxicological findings in animal and man. The inhibitor
produced the usual insignificant changes in mice, rabbits, and
dogs, but in rats, severe skeletal deformities as a consequence
of stimulation of the periosteal mesenchyma were observed.
The pathogenesis of these skeletal changes was completely
unknown.34 However, extensive clinical monitoring of
patients who had received benserazide had not revealed any
toxic reactions.35 Nevertheless, the toxicological findings in
rats were a big problem, and pessimists predicted the end of
the programme.
Fortunately, the toxicologist in charge of the levodopa/
DCI combination (subsequently named Madopar®),
Dr Schärer, could give the all-clear 18 months later: he
showed that in rats, the growth zones of most bones are not
closed during adult life, in contrast to man, where all the epiphyseal
cartilage plates are ossified soon after puberty. Drugs
like benserazide, that cause alterations in these structures, can
therefore only react in humans until the end of puberty, compared
with during the entire life span in rats. “When alterations
of this kind are produced in older rats, no conclusions
can be drawn for adult humans, as old rats can only be compared
with growing humans as far as skeletal growth is concerned,”
Schärer reported.36 The contraindication ‘Madopar®
must not be given to patients less than 25 years old (skeletal
development must be complete)’ is based on these findings.
Fortunately, not one single case of skeletal deformities has
occurred in humans, although more than 1 million patients
have been treated with Madopar® for several years.
The multicentre studies with the fixed-combination ratios of
DCI:levodopa of 1:4 and 3:2 were performed with extreme
caution and with very frequent analysis, especially for any
changes in laboratory parameters. In the early 1970s, most
European case reports did not exceed 10–25 pages, but for the
Madopar® studies, it was not unusual for a patient record to
transcend 400 pages, with laboratory examinations being
carried out nearly every week. During the course of the studies,
it became clear that the 3:2 combination, containing the high
amount of inhibitor, did not offer any advantage. Hence, studies
with this ratio were no longer pursued.
In summer 1972, Roche started to compile the new drug
application (NDA) under the leadership of R. Dubuis and
J. Fischlewitz. The assistants B. Schonlau, H. Bastova and
M. Tock encoded the patient data together with a small group
of temporary engaged students, whereas M. Christeller and his
crew was responsible for entering the data on a total of more
than 200,000 80-column punch cards and for the subsequent
statistical evaluation of the data. Enthusiasm and working
overtime resulted in a first submission in January 1973.
The NDA contained study reports on 463 Madopar® cases,
1,059 cases with levodopa alone, and 154 cases with the
3:3 combination ratio, as well as 30 publications (including
the personal experience of the clinicians) on a total of more
than 1,000 other cases. On average, there was a reduction of
the parkinsonian symptoms of 30% within the first 2 weeks of
treatment. After 3 months of treatment, the sum of symptoms
on the Webster scale was reduced by a half. All symptoms did
improve, but rigidity, gait, self-care, and facial expression
showed greater improvement than tremor. Madopar® was first
introduced to the market in Switzerland during July 1973 and
shortly afterwards in more than 100 countries all over the
The history of Madopar® is associated with 2 Nobel prizes.
The story started when Carlsson had identified dopamine as a
transmitter and had shown that animals suffering from reserpine-
induced pseudoparkinsonism can be successfully treated
with levodopa. For these discoveries he was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2000.
At the time when Madopar® was being developed, Roche’s
synthesis of levodopa started with the production of a racemic
mix of dopa from vanillin and hippuric acid. Vanillin was
purchased in bulk from Monsanto. In the early 1960s,
W.S. Knowles from Monsanto was involved in an exploratory
programme with the aim of producing catalysts that provided
a high enantiomeric excess. By testing enantiomers of phosphines
with a varied structure, Knowles and his colleagues
quickly succeeded in producing catalysts (transition metals)
that allowed nearly 100% pure levodopa to be obtained at the
end of the hydrogenation reaction. This so-called asymmetric
hydrogenation or mirror-image catalysis resulted in a dramatic
improvement in the industrial production of levodopa, and
2 4 6
Webster score, baseline (%)
8 10 12
Bradykinesia W1
Rigidity W2
Posture W3
Upper-extremity W4
Gait W5
Tremor W6
Facies W7
Seborrhoea W8
Speech W9
Self-care W10
Total score
Figure 8. Madopar® Webster score over time; NDA 1972
(n = 463).
F O C U S O N P A R K I N S O N ’ S D I S E A S E
soluble hydrogenation catalysts started a new era in catalytic
processes. Asymmetric hydrogenation is now used in a number
of industrial syntheses of pharmaceutical products, such as
antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and heart medicines. In
recognition of this work, the Royal Swedish Academy of
Sciences awarded William S. Knowles the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry in 2001.37
I thank Prof. J. Birkmayer, son of Prof. W. Birkmayer, and the
librarians at Roche for their help to retrieve historical documents on
Madopar®, as well as a copy of Prof. W. Birkmayer’s film on one
of the first patients treated with L-dopa.
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June 23, 2014 Posted by | History, Parkinsons Disease | Leave a Comment